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Thoughts & Inspiration

Esther is such a
phenomenal woman. The more I read the book the more I want to shout, “You Go, Girl!” These words amaze me each and every time I read them….

“…And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I am willing to die.” 4:16

I yearn to have a heart and selflessness like Esther. I pray that I can be as committed as Mordecai is. There is no doubt in my mind that Esther was directly chosen by God to save his
Chosen People— from these ancestors came Jesus Christ–. The thing I love most about this story is that you can dig deep into it and see how it all connects. *Read deeper than the surface. Search for God between the lines and I assure you He is there!*

Focus, Focus, Focus

Sitting at work one day, as a sophomore in high school, I thought of this song.

::The itsy bitsy sin crawled up into my life.

But Jesus died for me and took away my strife.

Out came His blood and it washed away my sin.

Now my sin can’t get to me because I’ve been born again.::

Corny I know, yet so true! Hang with me now…

Most people would describe me asa confidant person. I know who I am, what I stand for, and I am not afraid of it!! Often times though I am relying on my own strength. My focus gets off and my itsy bitsy sin crawls up. This is where I get myself in trouble.

Any and every time I start to take my eyes of Jesus, there is my itsy bitsy sin. It’s like it is just sitting there waiting for me to screw up and it’s always going to be there. Satan is waiting for each and every one of us to give in a little so he can take hold. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. When we (Christians) lose our focus that is just what Satan will do!!

Right now I am on a “Focus Kick.” I remind myself several times a day “Focus Cassie!” I cannot stress enough how important it is to never, never, never take your eyes off the Lord and rely on your own strength. If you give the devil just a little he’s going to take a lot more! I stress thisbecause through my own journey I find myself often looking down instead of setting my eyes on the realities of heaven.

I encourage you today to be in constant prayer that God will guide your every step. Being in continual contact with God will set your focus right from the get-go. Many times I have to remind myself to keep talking to God in order to stay on track. Focus is so vital in our daily walk with Christ. Focus will enable you to completely rely on God’s strength; to face and withstand every temptation Satan throws your way.

When itsy bitsy sins crawl into your life remember that you are not a slave to sin! Jesus’ blood will cleanse you. Your sins cannot have reign over you if you are focused on our amazing heavenly papa!!

Prayer: Amazing Creator/King… I pray that I only see your face. My focus and strength rely on you. For when I don’t focus, my itsy bitsy sins grow so much larger. I surrender now my confidence in my own strength and I will only look up! For when I am weak only You will make me strong!– Amen

My first support pledges have started to come in!! I’m so excited. Thank you to everyone-

3 responses to “*You Go Girl*/ Focus”

  1. I’m really glad you wrote all that down for the rest of us to read. One can never hear enough of our need to focus on God entirely. Just a quick word of encouragement for you.

    When it comes to writing stuff here for us to read, don’t ever hold back because you think everyone knows it or people hear it too much. If you think it’s important, say it.

    Hmm, don’t know why I said that. Oh well. You have a great day/evening/morning/whatever and be blessed!

  2. I don’t think that is corny at all!! Or maybe i’m just as corny as you.. i dont know…i remember making up songs too, so maybe!! hehe Well thanks for being corny, so im not alone in this world!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Love Always, ~Vanessa~ 🙂

  3. You know that i love you Cass! And I know how important this is to you and i know that your mom is looking down on you right now with pride in her eyes and a smile on her face! Even though it will be hard for me to let you go… I will! And dont you worry before you leave i will get you a new vacuum!! Haha! And on a serious note (not that the vacuum thing wasnt serious) you know that i am always here for you for anything!! I love you! ~ Bryzzzle!!