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Cassie Denise Orr is the name that was given to me on November 19th, 1987 at the Methodist Children’s Hospital in Jonesboro, Arkansas. I have lived in a small town of about 20,000 people in North West Arkansas ever since I was two years old. Van Buren has been an amazing community to be raised in. I have had the same group of friends since pre-school and have had one of the most blessed childhoods I could have asked for. People say I am exactly like my dad and say that I have a heart like my mother did. My older brother Justin is my best friend and we have two sheltie’s puppies
Dax and Sam. My family is amazing and I love them with all my heart. I am an extremely outgoing

think that the joy I have in my heart needs to be spread to everyone! I am not easily angered and have an easy-going outlook on life. You can rarely find me upset.
I love being happy so I make it a point to stay positive in situations and to always look at the bigger picture. Most of my close friends call me their “personal counselor” since I love giving advice and helping people through tough situations. I am a people oriented person who lives to help others.

School has always been fun for me. I loved playing sports and being the president of the student body in high school.
Small towns in the south love their hometown teams. Friday night football and basketball games where some of the most enjoyable times of my life thus far. Now I am a freshman at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and love cheering on the Razorbacks. Growing up I was always taught and shown the love of Jesus. My spiritual foundation aided me in building a strong bond with Christ throughout my life.
Heritage United Methodist is the church that I have grown up attending. Ever since I can remember my family and I have been actively involved in various aspects of our church home.

 It wasn’t until my 7th grade yearly Camp Ozark fall retreat when God hit me with a
‘get it moment.’ I finally realized that God wasn’t just about church. It was then that I discovered that being a Christian meant having a personal relationship with Christ. Ever since that moment, I have had a burning passion in my heart to do whatever the Lord desires. I guess you could say that it hasn’t been the hugest challenge in the world growing up in the Bible Belt and living in a small Christian community my entire life. These past few years I have realized that God is calling me out of my comfort zone and calling me to no longer just ‘
talk about it.’ But instead He is calling me to ‘
be about it.’ I pray that this opportunity allows me to do just that.