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Thoughts & Inspiration

PRAISE GOD! I’ve made my goal to go to Africa. My support all came in @ the right time. Our God is so good, all the time. My Fundraiser dinner went so well! Thanks to everyone who helped out! There was over $
1000 donated! Whew, now that is such a relief. Ha


This post may be a little jumbled and scattered: but that just tells you exactly how I’m feeling. I’ll try my hardest to keep you up to speed w/ me



So I leave in
9 days. I’m so unbelievably excited. Words cannot even express how ready I am to be on this journey. I know God has been preparing me for it for so long; and even as these last few days go by I’m going through trails that I know are making me stronger. I am learning more each day how to rely on Him alone.


read something so cool in my quiet time today. Ozwald Chambers says:


“If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all noble things are difficult. The Christian life is gloriously difficult, but the difficulty of it does not make us faint and cave in, it rouses us up to overcome. Do we so appreciate the marvelous salvation of Jesus Christ that we are out utmost for His highest?”


WoW! Don’t you just
when your Quiet Time is EXACTLY what you needed to hear?! The Devil is trying to work a number on me and get me down with some things going on in my life. But as we sang in church this past Sunday ::
I’m going to the enemy’s camp and taking back what he stole from me!!:: My Momma always said, the Devil can’t have my joy because my joy is in Him. That’s something the Devil will
N O T take from me. I know this journey won’t be easy… but that just makes me want to rise to the occasion and jump over the hurdles that will face me. And i’m going to have an
unmistakable joy through whatever!


 A quote that changed my outlook on life and rocked my world

Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle.
– CT Studd


Have you ever felt completely unworthy of something?! Well, I’m sure a lot of us have. What hurts the most is when you have people telling you and making you feel that you are unworthy of something you want so much. Especially when it’s people who you love. But you can’t let it get you down. I realize that I’m a sinner and I screw up
EVERYDAY. I never asked to be put on some pedestal where I’m supposed to be perfect. I strive daily to walk the right path. And when I mess up I can assure you that I’m aware of it. One of my favorite people on this Earth (my Hero),
Moad was talking to me one day about “Doubt Pushers.” The Devil uses doubt pushers to hold us back from something that God is calling us to do. I’ve got quiet a few of these little doubt pushers in my life right now. Moad made me realize that I can’t let these “doubt pushers” make me feel bad and unworthy.
N O N E of us our worthy of anything, by our selves.


I had a conversation with my Brother, who

my favorite person on this Earth, earlier this summer about how people were making me feel unworthy. He said something to me that I think about constantly. It went a little something like this:


“Cass, none of us are good enough to do anything for God. He gives us opportunities where he wants to see how faithful we are to prove
how good we want to be for him. You, Me, none of us will ever be worthy…and you may never feel that you are “prepared for this trip” but God wants you there to work through you. Not for you to work. He wants to use YOU. So stop thinking you are unworthy and let Him do His work there
through you.”


I love my brother
more than anything in this world. Pretty much everyone who knows me, knows that already. But I love to reinstate it whenever I can. He’s so smart and he makes me reliazed how blessed I am. He’s my
best friend. I can never thank God enough for him.


Well I suppose that is enough of my banter for one post! Thank you everyone who is praying for me. Keep em’ coming! 😉 I love each of you and I can’t wait to send out updates of what God is doing through me and my *
wonderful* (


And I say this b/c I’m already in love with each of them!!) group!!



6 responses to “+The Clocks a’ Tickin+”

  1. i love you cassie!
    i cant wait to meet you and spend nine wonderful months with you!
    and learn some sweet dance moves. =)
    love you!!

  2. Cassie, I always love reading things you write. you are an amazing girl!! I can’t wait to meet you!!! I ove you so much, and you are in my prayers… ahh.. 8 days!!

  3. Cassie, I’m so excited for you and the journey you are about to embark on. I know it is going to be wonderful for you and those whose hearts you touch.

    I have to tell you that I teared up over the convo between you and Justin. You are both SO special and wonderful and I’m so glad you have one another as siblings and best friends.

  4. Cassie,
    We love you so much! Over the years you have become a part of our family and we will miss you dearly. Our prayers will be with you.
    Love, Jay, Ronnette, Kindsey, and Chase

  5. Cas Lou,

    Well, I have to be perfectly honest. I have dreaded this every since you told me because I know how much I will miss you. It bothers me that I will not just be next door or 45 minutes from Fayetteville if you need me. BUT I WILL BE A PHONE call away and checking my emails more often. I know this is a wonderful opportunity for you and I know you will become a stronger person through this journey. Spread Gods love to those who you encounter. Let you light shine. Know that I will be thinking and praying for you everyday.

    Love, Hugs, and Kisses XOXOXO
    Momma V.