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“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Psalm 34:8


This week in Jeffrey’s was my first “official” week of ministry. I could have not been more blessed by it. Each house visit I did I felt so uplifted in seeing the fruit God had placed in my path. I felt as if this was the most amazing piece of “fruit” ever tasted. Figuratively speaking, as I bit into it the sweet juices and freshness of the Lord started flowing upon me and my ministry partners. God was telling me “Oh, taste and see that I am good.” Praise Him!


A visit to a good friend of mine, Noma, really showed me how God wants to do immeasurably more through me this semester. Noma has AIDS and has been on the verge of death multiple times over the past semester. She was only 40k (88lbs) and almost 6ft tall. Needless to say, Noma had no strength or appetite. On top of that Noma’s feet were always so swollen that it was almost impossible for her to walk. There have been countless prayers for Noma and her health. Relying on my own flesh, I was scared to come back to J-Bay this January because I didn’t figure Noma would be around any longer. But in tasting and seeing how great that our God is, I came back to a Noma who had gained 8k (18lbs), had no swollen feet, could walk perfectly to come sit with us, and up fixing food. What a massive answer to prayer! Noma said that she was getting tests done this week to see if she was now healthy enough to start taking the ARVs to help her start living a more normal life. Last semester we didn’t ever see this day coming!


I had a great conversation with Noma that day. I came to visit Noma and bless her. Little did I know what a huge blessing she was going to be? She filled me with an overflowing joy and encouragement. Noma spoke of the hope that she had in our Lord. She knew that He was going to give her strength and she trusted Him wholeheartedly in that. Noma said she has even been speaking to her friends who are positive (HIV) and speaking life into them. Telling them that they cannot give up and they must press on with whatever the Lord has provided in their life. WOW! All the while I’m thinking of what an amazing disciple maker God is making of Noma and she has no clue! Noma told us how easy it would be to go to the government and start getting grants because of her sickness but since she was able to be up around and working that she didn’t need handouts. The Lord gave her strength and she was going to use it to the fullest. Her positive attitude and willingness has totally put her in a place where God can grow the most wonderful fruit through and around her.


Noma has been teaching me to take the good and the bad in my life and hand it over to our Lord. Once I give up the control of it, He will turn it into the sweetest fruit imaginable. If I take refuge in the Lord and allow the blessing to overflow in me I cannot imagine the goodness and joy that will come! I can’t wait to see what else God’s going to rock this year!!

3 responses to “-Taste and See-”

  1. Makes you realize how much we all have. We miss you but you are doing so many great things there!! Love You

  2. Isn’t it amazing how God surprises you. I’m an constantly in wonder of his amazingness.

  3. When you let go, and let GOD life as you know it will be sweeter than honey, richer than soil, and brigghter than morning sun!!!! Bless his name!!!!