
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope that you are all doing well. It blesses me to be able to share with each of you what exactly God is doing in my life right now. This year has been a trying one but also a year of growth and maturity. God has spoken to me in so many ways this year and most importantly has placed on my heart the call to missions. When I came across the Adventures In Missions program I knew right away God was calling me to apply. After applying I knew that my future was no longer in my hands but in His. To my excitement I have been accepted into the AIM program as a First Year Missionary to South Africa. I plan on leaving in September 2007 and returning in May 2008.

There is a passion in my heart that yearns to learn of God’s mercy and grace in a more intimate way. As most of you know this past year has been the toughest of my life. God has used this past year to teach me how to rely completely on Him. I have no doubt that this was done in order to prepare me to go to Africa to share His love with the lost and the people who have a hunger for the Good Word. This trip will give me opportunities to be disciplined and trained in several areas of ministry and missions. South Africa will allow me to reach out to children who have never felt love before. I was blessed with one of the most amazing childhoods one could ask for and my prayer is to show children of South Africa the love and care I have been taught.

I praise God daily for the amazing opportunity this program presents for me and my community. Right now I must trust that He is in control and will meet all of my needs; financially and spiritually. Ultimately, my prayer is that He will do that through you. I would be more than honored if you could be involved in God’s ministry through me and provide financial support. I am also asking specifically for ten people who will commit to pray for me each and every day until I return. Also, I must raise $6,700 for the year that goes directly to AIM. In addition to that, I must raise enough to cover travel expenses, insurance, and medical shots. For a total of around $11,500.00. Prior to leaving in September I must have the money to pay for my flight and at least 60% of my $6,700 in my account and the rest can be in pledges. A number of you may be in the position to financially contribute to my support. I ask that you seek the guidance of our Lord in this matter and do as He leads.

I am ecstatic how God is going to use me and all He is going to teach me through this amazing experience. I pray that God uses me to not only bless those I will be serving in Africa, but also you. My heart is to go as your representative of Jesus Christ. Prayerfully, you will partner with me and be involved in my ministry. Thank you for all the support and love!

By His Grace

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