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Thoughts & Inspiration

Keep on asking…you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking…you will find. Keep on knocking…the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8 NLT

I got a call last night about a guy I went to school w/ almost my entire life. He was shot and killed yesterday outside a WalMart. His was 19 and his name was Quy Nguyen. Anyone who was ever around Quy knows what a fun guy he was. There was never a dull moment and He always kept us laughing in class. Whether it was “fried rice and egg rolls” or “it’s b/c I’m brown”, Quy always put a smile on your face 🙂 Please keep his family and friends in your prayers. Thanks

I suppose it’s down to the wire now. As of today the countdown is 48 days until I leave. Words cannot even describe the excitement I have in me. I still have a little over $3000 to raise. The verse above is what I pray each day. I know God will provide and I have all the faith He will for each member in our J-Bay group 🙂 It’s a long stretch for many of us.. But nothing is too much for our God!!

August 11th 6pm

@ Heritage UMC on Pointer Trail

Fundraiser Dinner: Wanda Orr’s Recipe Chicken Spaghetti

$4.00 a plate and Love Offering

This will not only be a dinner but also an information meeting for all of you who are wondering what exactly I’ll be doing in

South Africa. There will be e-mail sign ups (so I can keep in touch with all of you) and also a card to pick up the address where you can send me letters and such! It would be wonderful to see your face there 🙂

