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Thoughts & Inspiration

Jeffery’s Bay means healing waters. I truly feel God has placed everyone in my group here in order to be healed. The healing will be different for each of us… but we will be restored nonetheless.

After a 14 hour ride to J-Bay our family couldn’t be closer. The honeymoon stage had been over for awhile but we love each other despite our pet peeves! J It was so great to pull up to our home and finally take it all in: I’m really in Africa and this really is my home!

Jeffrey’s Bay is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. The town is so cute and the beach is amazing. There is no way to look out on the ocean and deny God’s creation. I’m so blessed to be called to such a wonderful piece of our Heavenly Papa’s creation.

It’s been so much fun exploring the town for the past two weeks. We have been able to visit many different aspects of ministry in order to decide upon our internships. After much prayer I knew God was calling me to House Visits. This is where I will pick about four different families or people to visit on a weekly basis. Many of these people have HIV/AIDS or other illnesses. It’s so great to see God using my joy in places like this.. But I know God is going to teach me just as much as the people I’m visiting.

My J-Bay family is something I’m super blessed with. Our leaders Tag, Holly, Heather, Chris, and Christian are the most amazing people ever and I’m learning so much from them. I have so many people in my life right now who I know I’ll always be close to. It’s cool to be around so many older girls. I feel like I have so many sisters now! We have so much fun in the J-Bay house. Whether we are watching the Mighty Ducks, doing HipHop Abs, cooking, or playing Killer, our family is always doing something super fun! There is never a dull moment in our house!

To say I’m excited about the months that lie ahead is for sure an understatement. God has already taught me so much about discipline. I can’t wait to share w/ everyone back home what God is doing in me. It’s weird to know I’ll be back in Van Buren in about 50 days.. I feel like I’ve just gotten started. But it will be good to be home to see everyone and get revived for the next stint of my life in J-Bay!

Thanks so much for all of the prayers and sorry this hasn’t been updated in such a long time. I have it worked in my schedule where I’ll be updating once a week so make sure you check up on it often.
