
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning around 10am I called the doctor to get the results of my CT scan that I had the previous day. The doctor said that my results came back fine and everything looked great. There was nothing wrong with me! Okay great news right? Well, yes I’m so very glad there wasn’t anything wrong; but I knew there was something wrong with me. It’s so frustrating to me.

The frustration brought me to tears. Holly and Christian (my leaders) took me aside to talk to me and we all decided just to have everyone pray over me. It was time to fight for it! Praise God for my J-Bay family. I love them so much I can’t even explain it to you.

I lay down in the middle and everyone started praying and speaking truth over me. At this point God started to give me a vision. It’s really hard to explain but I’ll do my best.

I felt there was a battle going on in my mind. All I could see was darkness fighting light. It went on for several minutes and I could see that it was an intense battle. The vision diminished when I started to speak truth out loud about how God was my healer and my ultimate provider. I continued to cast out fear and my sickness. After this Matt (a J-Bay family member), who is ultra talented, felt like they should sing some praise songs over me. He got his guitar and they begin to sing praises to the Lord. I really couldn’t tell you what songs were sung. As the voices were lifted up to God, He began to complete my vision that He had given me earlier.

The battle was over. I saw myself amongst huge waves of water. I’m not just talking about some cool surfing waves either. I’m talking about huge-hairy-nasty-crazy waves. This made me very scared but at once I felt someone grab my hand. A huge flood of peace and safety came over me. I walked out to the waters and it was like I was being baptized in the waters. As I was being put under water I felt so much breaking off. Like bondage being broken from me. Lies and every false thing that had I had believed was being taken from me. When I came back up from the water and took my first breath I felt so alive. I’m talking about crazy-alive. Alive like never before. It was like God had taken me from death to life. It was a death that I had succumbed to from this world to a true life in Him.

I opened my eyes and shared my vision with my group. Although, I probably didn’t explain it as well as I just was able to write it out. The really cool thing to me is the peace I feel right now writing this. I have an overflowing since of God wanting to heal me, my spirit, and every part of my brokenness.

Jenny (a J-Bay family member), whom I adore, said that God had given her a vision too as we prayed. She said that she saw me down in the waters of J-Bay and that everyone else was sitting up on the beach watching. Wow! Our God is so stinkin’ amazing! It’s so awesome how there is no way to doubt the vision God has given me. God gave me that through Jenny. Right now I really feel God telling me to be baptized in the waters of J-Bay.

The Healing Waters… His Healing Waters…. The Waters of Life…
