
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

” But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- the work of telling others the Good News about God’s wonderful kindness and love.”

Acts 20:24

For a few years now God has given me this verse over and over again. He reiterates in me, each time I read this verse, that it is the calling He has placed on my life. In fact, it is the calling that He has placed on all of our lives. I wonder often why we, as a body of believers, insist on a college education, a nice house, 2.5 children, and a Honda. Where in the scripture is it laid out that our lives are supposed to look like that? God is beginning to reveal in me that the way I think life is suppose to work and look is totally opposite of His and what he has for me.

Most would agree that Jesus is the one model that we are called to shape our life like. I think most Christians embrace and understand this concept. But then again, if we were truly to “embrace” this concept, in its fullness, I believe our lives would look very different. Doesn’t the life of Jesus display, in all facets, a life of undignified, selfless living? Am I living like that? Sure, I’d love to say yes… but in reality I can’t.

God is taking me to some really cool places in my relationship with Him. The nice little box that God has been in most of my life has been demolished. Each day it seems God reveals Himself to me in a brand new way. How incredibly refreshing our Savior is!

Today I had time to sit down and get quiet with God and ask him a question. The question was, “Where/When/How will I choose/begin to remain in the Lord?” Knowing that God wants to show how powerful and mighty he is through someone who has a heart of full commitment led me to ask that question of myself. Through this time the Lord revealed to me so much. Each time I had a revelation with the Lord today He brought the Acts 20:24 verse to my heart and aligned it all together in accordance to the work of telling others the Good News about God. There are three specific things which God has spoken to me today that I feel called to share.

1. Be willing to sacrifice going back to school if He says “Go elsewhere”

2. Call people out to partner with me in what God is doing. (There were two people I felt God leading me to)

3. Take the courage God has given me to move…and move.

In all honesty I would love to go back to college and be with all of my friends. Though lately I ask myself if that would be living in what all God has for me. I truly feel that He does have so much more for me than what most would consider a “normal life.” At this moment I can’t imagine being trapped in a classroom taking notes and listening to lectures. I can’t imagine myself doing this because I’ve seen the need of this world first hand. The need that I have seen consumes me. At this moment I am not sure of what God has for my future. Although I do feel like this is the first moment I’ve been okay with not knowing. If I am to go back to school… Awesome. But if God calls me to another country or something else…Awesome! What makes me most excited about my future is the people I feel God telling me to call out and partner with me in whatever he is already doing. I can’t wait to share God’s vision and really seek His will with these individuals. God has filled me with so much courage this past week as a leader. He is calling me to keep moving and moving is what I’ll be doing!

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