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*Hi All*

I suppose it’s about time to give my first Support Status Update! First of all, I would like to say how
amazing it has been to see the love of God pour in at only the begining stages of this process. Seeing the Lord provide for all of us, in such great ways, makes this whole process so real. I cannot wait to finally be in South Africa!

Thank you to everyone who has given thus far and for all of you who will give in the future. This is such a great cause and I know God is going to move mountians through it! Can’t wait to see what God has is store…..

So far I have
11 people who have given. That number includes 4 pledges. The amazing thing is this:

$1,195 = Amount in my account

$4,080 = Amount in pledges

$5,275 = Total amount thus far

I am amazed to see God provide so much in just a few number of people. I am almost 1/2 to my goal already and I still have support letters to send out! Pray that I get those sent out soon. Praise God for His loving kindness 🙂 P.S. I am offically going to Jeffrey’s Bay in the Fall!!!!!