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Hi Ya’ll-

So I am officially on my summer break! Whoop Whoop! It’s great to be back home with all of my friends but also bitter sweet in missing Fayetteville and college friends 🙂 :(… This summer I have the best job ever—> I get to “babysit” my next door neighbor who is pretty much my little brother and the *Coolest* kid on the planet! It’ll be so much fun and give me time to do everything I need to do to get ready for Africa! Oh by the way, if you didn’t know already I am officially going to
, South Africa
! I am so excited and I already LOVE all of the people going with me that I’ve talked to! Anyways, that was a short update of what’s going on with me but this post is really inspired by the song @ the end of this blog (READ IT :)! )

I know that God has been trying to speak to me lately; I’ve been ignoring. There are some things in my life I know that I need to work on and get straight.God has been trying to make me realize this but I chose not to…But this song has really changed my outlook on the summer. In order for Africa to be the best possible thing it can be for me I must change from the inside out, this summer. I want to be renewed with passion and have a total Holy Spirit take over. Each time I listen to this song it encourages me to keep it up! I struggle so much…::
A thousand times I’ve failed::… But His glorly always remains. Thank you God for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. chances.

Summer 2007 = A summer for the Holy Spirit to take over and renew from within.

	This summer's theme is -From the Inside Out-
A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart and my soul
Lord I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out
by: Hillsong