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Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But we he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

                                                                        Matthew 14: 29-30


This is one of my personal favorite passages in the New Testament. I was doing my quiet time last night and it was about this verse. I felt compelled to share the message with all of my avid readers! Ha 🙂 …


So at first Peter is the man. He’s walking on the water
( I kind of picture Him strutting to Jesus all “cool” because I think Peter had lots of personality) not caring about the waves or the storm around him. I feel like this is how I am after a big youth retreat or spiritual high experience.
Strutting to Jesus; nothing but focused.


What happens next I’m sure has happened to us all. Like Peter, we start to pay attention to what is going on around us; Losing our focus on Jesus. I picture it hitting Peter all of the sudden and him saying, ”
Hey, there is a storm ..::ponder a second::… WHAT am I doing out here??” And under he goes. I go under a lot. I hate to admit it but I guess I am often afraid of what others will think and I am afraid that I will miss out on something because I’m too busy being “Christian.” This isn’t the case at all. By taking our eyes off Jesus we create a whole world of problems for ourselves. But the
crazy-cool thing about Jesus is that He’s there. In spite of all the rain, waves, and wind that bring us down, Jesus is there ready to put us back in the boat and give us another shot! Praise God!


The message I got from my quite time last night was to forget logic and forget what the world thinks. I need to be focused in order to hear God speak. How selfish of me to ask God to speak to me and then more or less stick my fingers in my ears and run around humming all day; Ignoring His voice. Today I’ve decided to
recklessly abandon

all of my worries and such. If I am focused then God will lead me the right way.




Just a song that has been on my mind today! If you have a chance listen to it today!


“Oh Lord Your Love”

Caedmon’s Call


Oh Lord I give You all I have
But it seems so little
When You have given me so much
I come to You with empty hands
And a heart that’s fragile
You come to me with a wealth of love

Oh Lord Your love
Is new with every morning
Your faithfulness
It gets me through the night
You bid me come
You know that I am weary
Your yoke is easy
Your burden is light

And now I sing You songs of praise
But Your greatness is beyond me
I know I cannot comprehend
How You ancient of days
Stoop Yourself to call me
To be Your son, to be Your friend

Oh Lord I give You all I have
But it seems so little