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Hi Guys! So here’s my quick update on what’s going on w/ me–

  • Just got back from FL vacation… had a WONDERFUL, RELAXING time!
  • Getting my South Africa shots this Friday ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Sent out 20 thank-you notes today!
  • Reached the $2000 mark in my actual account (not counting pledges)!
  • Getting clothes, shoes, etc. ready for Africa!
  • AND Detoxing my spiritual life! ๐Ÿ™‚

I decided to take some time for myself when I got back from FL. Of course, being the dork that I am, I went to Books-A-Million and sat in chair and read awhile ๐Ÿ™‚ I was praying in the quiet section I was sitting and I was asking God to give me something to prepare me for Africa. Wanting to make the most out of this trip, I was feeling as though I needed more preparation. I went to put some books back up when I found
Detox Your Spiritual Life in 40 Days. If you know me you know that I’m pretty much obsessed with being healthy and taking care of my body. As I sat down to read I knew this was right for me.

This book goes through a physical, emotional, and spiritual detox. Right now I’m at the physical level: eating well, getting a check up, enough sleep, breaking a bad habit.. etc.! I’m so excited about this book… Through it I will detox my body, standards, past, expectations, relationships, and spiritual life! Prayerfully after the 40 days I will be energized and feel fresh! I encourage anyone to do this with me! (author: Peter Graystone)

So I cannot believe I leave in less than 3 months!! CRAZYY. Keep praying for funds.. for everyone’s funds that are going!! God WILL provide! Mucho love to all


One response to “+Detox Your Spiritual Life+”

  1. Hello!! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blogs! I’m so excited because God has opened the door for me to go on a real life mission trip this summer for two months to Jeffreys Bay SA!! Are you still in SA? Hope to hear from you soon and I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas!!