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“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”

On Saturday, November 10, I was baptized at sunset in the healing waters of Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. I must say that it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. For all of you who wanted to be there I will give you a little play-by-play of the event!

Around sunset our family headed out to a beach near by SuperTubes. All 20 of us plus Jaup attended the baptism of Ms. Jenny Nelson and me. After hundreds of pictures we went to sit on the beach for what we like to call a little “P and Dub” (Praise and Worship). We sang Hungary, God of Wonders, and Amazing Grace. Sitting on the beach in worship, as the waves crash around you, and the blazing sun sets upon the water is one of the most amazing experiences ever. After this, Tag talked a little about what baptism means. He talked about how like the sand covers us, so is our life covered with sin. Then, after our baptism, we are washed free from the sand (sin) that once took hold of our being. Tag then gave Jenny and me a few moments to talk to the group and tell them why we were being baptized.

I am so thankful that I had never been baptized before that moment. I was dedicated when I was 6 months old but I had never made the decision by myself to be baptized. I know now that God was holding my decision off to the most perfect moment ever. I feel like in J-Bay, part of my worldly self has died. I am no longer a friend of this world. Now I walk fully alive in Christ: Dead to sin and alive in Him. That is what my baptism symbolized to me.

Tag then took us down to the water to be baptized. The waves were super huge and we got swept away a few times but it made for a pretty funny experience. I thought it was really amazing that Tag had me ask a few of the girls come in the water with me to be a part of it. I asked Aaryn, Chelsea, Tiff, and Amber to come pray over me before I was immersed. They are all like big sisters to me and such great Christian examples for me to follow. It was such a joy to have them right there at such an important moment in my life.

Also, having Tag baptize me was very symbolic to me. First off Tag Thompson is one of the most amazing persons on this planet. What was really cool to me is that Tag reminds me so much of my mentor and hero, Stephen Moad. If I was back in the states there is no doubt in my mind that I would want Moad to be the one to baptize me. So in retrospect, having Tag baptized me was like having Moad here being a part of it all. I am so thankful and honored that Tag was excited and willing to “conduct” my baptism. All in all it was one of the greatest moments in my life. I wish that everyone who is important in my life could have been there but hopefully through this blog you can feel like you got to participate aswell!!

2 responses to “Alive In Christ”

  1. That moment in the waves was one of the most memorable in my life. I felt like God was tossing us around like a father throws his kids in the air. I am so honored to be a part of your life.
    Peace and Love,

  2. I am so unbelievably proud of you, fish. You are such a special person to the Moad clan. I praise God daily that you were given this awesome task and opportunity. I wish I could’ve been there when you were baptized but I’ll be close enough soon. Keep “bein’ about, chickee.” Prayin’ for you daily….
    Massive blessings,