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I thought everyone would like to know of a recent event that I now find very comical and “African.” If you have a weak stomach and don’t enjoy lots of detail then I wouldn’t read this JThis past Sunday I was cooking lunch for the team. I was just about finished when I opened some cans of corn and green beans. As I proceeded to throw the cans away I sliced my finger open on the lid of one of those cans. Immediately blood came exploding out of my finger like Mount Saint Helens had just erupted; I’m talking like, plasma and all. There was a good size puddle of blood in my hand and now on our kitchen floor. As Tiffany screamed and didn’t know what to do my first thought was to yell Aaryn’s name. Why? Because Aaryn always knows what to do, of course! Aaryn took me to the sink to bleed over that and grabbed me a dish towel to put pressure on the wound. Although, I did feel bad because at Family Meeting Holly expressed that she was annoyed that our dish towels keep getting ruined. Despite, I used one to grasp my wound. If you have ever cut your finger badly before you know that it bleeds quiet a bit. Seeing as I am anemic, I knew losing the amount of blood I had wasn’t a good thing.


Of course it was Sunday afternoon and all of the leaders were gone with all of the cars. Ten minuets passed and Chris came to my rescue. Chris and Katie were my rock stars of the day. Funny how the two people with the weakest stomachs on the team took care of me! They drove me (well Chris pretty much flew there) to Humansdorp to the nearest hospital; 20 minuets away. On the way there I passed out once in the van. Walking into the hospital I passed out again and Katie had to lift me! When we finally made it to the right place Chris tried to find someone to help us. The only part of the conversation I heard from Chris was, “I’ll freaking buy her lunch, I have a girl in the waiting room that is bleeding a lot, anemic, and passing out.” Supposedly, the receptionist was out to lunch and wouldn’t check anyone in until she got done eating. I proceeded to pass out in Katie’s lap for the third time. I wake up to this nurse pushing me asking my name. I then was forced to walk all the way down the hall to show some random lady my finger. This lady says to me “Oh, it’s only a minor cut… Go sit down!!” I suppose she didn’t care that I was passing out every five minuets. Now, I know that my cut really wasn’t too bad BUT passing out was not a good thing. I went through all of this to hear the nurse tell me that my doctor would be waiting in his surgical ward in J-Bay for me. Are you serious? We drove BACK 20 min. to J-bay and let Dr. Meyers put two stitches in my finger. I am fine now and have all my energy back. Nothing but a mere flesh wound!


My only thought in Humansdorp was “I will never come to this hospital again!” Little did I know I would return to that hospital that very night. That is a different story for a different time.