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This has been a hard week. One of the hardest in a long time. Today is one year since my Beautiful Mommy went to meet Jesus! It’s such a bitter sweet situation for me… Missing her is the hardest thing ever, but knowing she has been partyin’ with Jesus for a whole year makes me smile. She promised me that she would tell the Apostle Paul all about me because he’s one of my favorites πŸ™‚ That makes me smile… The pain in missing my Mom is so real today… It feels like for a year the world has stopped. An entire year has passed… WOW! I know the Lord never gives me anything I cannot handel w/ Him by my side πŸ™‚

Reflecting on this year. I have grown so much. Not only spiritually but I have become my own person. Not having my sheltering, made sure I was always happy, Mommy around has made me realize a lot. I’ve, hopefully, started the process of becoming the woman my Mom raised me to be. I thank God daily for the most amazing 18 years with the most wonderful woman in the world.

I feel that this situation has specifically prepared me for Africa. My Mother was the one, who a few years ago, came across AIM and suggested I looked into it. She and I talked a lot and had many prayers concerning this program. Little did I know I’d be doing it after she was gone. In my heart I know how much she supports me in doing what God has called me to do. Sitting in the hospital one day with my Mom she said “Cassie, don’t miss it! Do NOT miss the huge thing God has for you! You can do it baby and I’ll be with you.” So here goes nothin’ Mommy… I’m doing it!!!

Also I wanted to say how blessed I am to have the friends and family that I do. My Daddy and Brother are the two most amazing men in the world and we have been rocks for each other this past year. I’d be lost without my two boys!! My God Mother *Momma V* has, for sure, been one of my saving graces this past year. We have grown so close. My Spritual Guidance, Alexis and my Mentor/Hero, Moad have been one of the main reasons I’ve gotten through the year I’ve had. God has blessed me so much. My girls Keli, Emily, Tessa, Charley and Haley have been my encouragement… They have kept me going when I haven’t wanted to. Each and every friend I have I know God placed in my life to help me through such a tough situation and they have!! Thanks to all of you πŸ™‚ I love you guys

So hear it goes… A new year. Changes. Growth. From the Inside Out. Open to What God has in Store… Praise God for a new year.. It’s time to start fresh.

*I Love You Mommy*

5 responses to “.:. A New Year .:.”

  1. What an amazing year! Not amazing that bad things happened, but that you allowed God to use those circumstances to shape you. He WILL continue to bless you this coming year.

    God bless ya and see you in the fall!

  2. 1. I Love You
    2. Thank You God for the Honor to be Cassie Dad.
    3. Thank You God and Wanda and Dad for watching over us.
    4. I am so proud of you and what you have done this year.

    Love Dad

  3. Wow, you made me cry. God takes us through life to make us His. He is making you more His. What an opportunity you do have before you. Keep following God!

    God Bless you and keep you close during this time.

  4. Cassie this was so beautiful! You know your mom is so proud of you and your dad and brother are awesome people who I love so much!! I love you so much and I know you will do wonderful things πŸ™‚

  5. *sniff sniff*…wow! i hope you know that you are a very strong woman..just reading this has made me want to know you and talk to you..cant wait till september..stay in God’s hands..and happy new year!